Classic Rock!

Classic Rock!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Needle!

Vinyl, according to most audiophiles and me, is the king of formats when it comes to fidelity. Last summer I picked up a nice Thorens turntable at a garage sale for free. It had a nice Ortofon ff15xe needle that sounded fantastic. I put a nice clean record on and it was probably the best quality audio I have ever heard. But, what I didn't know was that the turntable wasn't working quite right and I didn't notice that the tonearm didn't lift at the end of the record, so I went to flip the record and pushed the tonearm back not knowing the needle wasn't lifted and SCRATCH!!! I wrecked a perfectly good needle... I was pretty depressed for a while. I looked to see how much a new needle was and it was like 60 bucks. For me, thats a lot of money. I have since fixed the turntable, but it still doesn't sound that great with the crappy needle.

  Just the other day I looked at needles again and realized the place I was looking at before was selling the needle AND cartridge. I didn't need the cartridge, just the needle, which I found was only 15 bucks. I bought one and installed it and couldn't be happier!

Spinning a clean copy of Zoso.

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