Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ipod flash conversion

I recently acquired an iPod mini from someone I know. I really like the old iPods with monochrome screens, and I like the click-wheels more for some reason. Another think I like about the old ones is that they are MUSIC players. They are simple, no apps, no other crap, just music.

  So anyway, The iPod mini has a tiny 4gb hard drive that is hardly adequate for my 90+gb music library. The ipod minis have a "microdrive" which is a tiny hard drive in a compact flash card casing. This is great because I can just buy a higher capacity CF card and pop it in. The advantage of an actual CF card over the microdrive is the fact that it is solid state, which means its less fragile, faster and uses less juice. So I went ahead and bought a 16gb CF card and installed it. I wanted a bigger one but they start to get pretty pricy past 32 gigs.

the 16gb CF card

Ipod mini disassembled. You can see the microdrive on the bottom right, its exactly the same size as a CF card.

CF card installed.

After you plug in the CF card, just go to iTunes and reformat the ipod and thats it! This can work for a few other iPods too. A long time ago I did it with a 4th gen with the use of an adapter.

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